The next place in our travels is Vallejo, CA!
Let's point out the obvious (for people in the Solano County/Bay Area) first. Vallejo has a bad reputation for not being a good city. Even when we were talking to others about going to the city for our next trip, we got a lot of jokes about unsavory things located there, and questions about what we could possibly want to see there.
For those of you who don't live in the area, and may not have heard about Vallejo before, we would just like to make sure that you get a balanced view of the city. Every town has some bad parts, but our job with these trips is to highlight the good things about every city we find. With that said, let's move on :)
Vallejo hosts the Solano
County Fair every year. Being new up here, we did not want to miss the
chance to see the fair for our county, and we are so glad that we didn't
because we got a lot of information for our future trips! More on that
later. First, let's look at the map of Vallejo.
The city of Vallejo includes historic Mare Island as well as several parks and hiking trails and natural places to visit. The fairgrounds are across the street from one of the major attractions in Vallejo: Six Flags-Discovery Kingdom. Although it's a great addition to Vallejo, which brings in a lot of commerce and attention to the city, we wanted to focus on the parts that are less well known or overlooked.
That brings us first to the county fair. Growing up in LA county in SoCal, we were used to the big fair there. We still haven't been to one quite so large and all consuming. However, having visited several fairs up here, we both realized the appeal of smaller fairs. It's more about the people who live in the county, and the highlighting those cities. That is the purpose of fairs, but, if like us, you are from SoCal or a large city area, that might not be apparent to you. I still don't remember any of the LA fairs I've ever been to in my life, featuring and celebrating the cities that comprise it.
Solano's fair did a fantastic job of this. Every city was represented (Rio Vista was a bit sad, but the rest were fantastic) and we could really see that the county valued the people who live and work within it.
So, without further ado, please enjoy our pictures/tidbits about the Solano County Fair :)